McDonald's Restaurants of Canada Limited

There may be a Kalahari bushman who has not heard of McDonald's restaurants. But then maybe not. With more than 9,000 outlets in over 41 nations, it's hard to conceive of anyone who has never experienced a "Big Mac Attack" or worked their mouths around a... "two all beef patties special sauce lettuce cheese pickles onion on a seasame seed bun." McDonald's is a phenomenon in the food service industry, with a particularly successful Canadian history. Ray Kroc opened his first McDonald's in a Chicago suburb in 1955, but did not arrive in Canada, until the golden arches were raised over Richmond, British Columbia, in 1967. By the first quarter of 1986 there were 500 McDonald's strung across this country, which translates into over 50,000 employees and more than $1 billion of annual sales.

Fundamental to McDonald's overwhelming popularity is their dedication to "QSC&V"—quality, service, cleanliness and value. Every product must meet strict quality specifications plus selection and production controls. McDonald's commitment to service manifests itself in courteous, well-trained personnel, efficiency and drive-thru counter convenience. The just-scrubbed look of the restaurant's bright interiors testifies to the importance of cleanliness. Value means getting all of this for a very low price.

McDonald's was founded south of the Canadian border, but the huge Canadian operation is very much dedicated to Canada. In fact, 99 per cent of everything McDonald's buys comes from Canada. In 1985 this totalled about $400 million in food and paper products. At the individual outlet level, much emphasis is placed on community service. The most remarkable example of this is Ronald McDonald House, a home-away-from-home facility for the families of seriously ill children, which provides temporary lodging while the child is treated at a nearby hospital. Ten Ronald McDonald Houses have opened since 1981.

1. The "golden arches" ofMcDonald's are recognizedaround the world. 2. One of Canada's 10 Ronald McDonaldHouses. This one opened in Toronto, 1981.

McDonald's Canadian operation enjoys a few unique attributes. One is the translation department in Montreal, established in 1978. Its French language training and operation manuals, marketing materials and company communications are used throughout Quebec, France, Belgium and other Frenchspeaking markets. As well, McDonald's can boast of exclusive food concession rights at the Metro Toronto Zoo and of an outlet at the military facility of Camp Borden, Ontario and had a five restaurant operation, including a "floating" McDonald's, at Vancouver's Expo'86.

In 1985 the company dedicated its new Canadian headquarters at McDonald's Place, Toronto. This sevenstorey building features an open office plan, which President George A. Cohon explains "reflects the openness, ease of communication and access to each other" typical of his corporation. Also found here is the Canadian Institute of Hamburgerology, where personnel receive instruction in virtually-every aspect of the business. And this upholds what founder Ray Kroc frequently said, at McDonald's "we take the hamburger business more seriously than anyone else".